Which products can be used for daily cleaning?
Below are some products that will make cleaning easier:
- Greases, oils, glue and fats: Hot water and neutral detergent.
- Suction cup brand (production process): Paint remover and vinegar, with a standard sponge or magic sponge.
- Paints or enamels: Paint remover.
- Rust, coffee, beer, wine: Bleach diluted in water, in the proportion of 3 by 1 - over the stain for 15 minutes and creamy soapy.
- Pen ink, graphite: Acetone.
- Tire tracks, rubber: turpentine or creamy soapy.
- Pencil: Rubber or creamy soapstone.
- Aluminum scratch: Bleach diluted in water for 15 minutes and creamy soapy.
- Red earth in non-slip products: Bleach diluted in water, in the proportion of 3 by 1 over the stain for 15 minutes and powdered soapy with a plastic bristle brush.
- Red earth in polished products: Bleach diluted in water, in the proportion of 3 by 1 over the stain for 15 minutes and creamy soapy with the soft side of the sponge.
- Red earth in satin or enameled products: Bleach diluted in water, in the proportion of 3 by 1 over the stain for 15 minutes and creamy soapy, with the rough side of the sponge.
- Epoxy grouting: Epoxy paint remover, automotive paste or vinegar.
- Excessive waterproofing: window cleaner or neutral detergent.
- Blood: Hydrogen peroxide.
- Toilet box: Alcohol vinegar and creamy soapy.